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Water Supply Engineering Pn Modi 86.pdf


Water Supply Engineering: A Comprehensive Textbook by Dr. P.N. Modi

Water supply engineering is a branch of civil engineering that deals with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of systems for providing potable water to human settlements. Water supply engineering involves various aspects such as source development, water treatment, distribution network, storage facilities, pumping stations, and demand management.

One of the most popular and comprehensive textbooks on water supply engineering is Water Supply Engineering: Vol - 2 by Dr. P.N. Modi, published by Rajsons Publications Pvt. Ltd. in 1998. This book covers the entire syllabus of water supply engineering for undergraduate students of civil engineering as well as for practicing engineers and competitive examinations. The book is based on the latest Indian Standards and contains detailed information on various topics such as water demand, water quality, water sources, intake structures, conveyance systems, water treatment processes, distribution systems, leakage detection and control, water supply management and economics.

The book has been written in simple language and is supported by more than 300 multiple choice questions with answers, numerous solved and unsolved examples, diagrams, tables and charts. The book also provides references to other books and websites for further reading and research. The book has been widely appreciated by students and teachers for its clarity, comprehensiveness and practical orientation.

The book is available in PDF format online and can be downloaded from various websites such as Google Books, Wixsite, Mystrikingly, and Nusakelolalestari. However, it is recommended to buy the original book from the publisher or a reputed online store for better quality and authenticity.

Water supply systems are essential for the survival and well-being of human populations, as well as for the development of various sectors of the economy. Water supply systems have to meet the diverse and often conflicting demands of different users, such as domestic, industrial, agricultural, environmental, and recreational. Water supply systems also have to cope with the challenges of water scarcity, climate change, population growth, urbanization, pollution, and aging infrastructure.

Water supply engineering is a multidisciplinary field that requires the integration of various scientific and technical disciplines, such as hydrology, hydraulics, water chemistry, microbiology, environmental engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. Water supply engineering also involves social, economic, legal, and ethical aspects that affect the planning, design, implementation, operation, and management of water supply systems.

Water supply engineering is a dynamic and evolving field that constantly adapts to the changing needs and conditions of water users and water resources. Water supply engineering aims to provide safe, reliable, adequate, efficient, and sustainable water services to meet the present and future demands of society. 061ffe29dd

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