XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20: A Powerful Component for Working with Excel Files in Delphi
If you are a Delphi developer who needs to read and write Excel files, you may have encountered some challenges. Excel files are complex and have many features that are not easy to handle with standard Delphi components. You may also need to install Excel or other software on your users' machines, which can be inconvenient and costly.
Fortunately, there is a solution: XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20. This is a native Delphi component that can access Excel files without any dependencies. You can read and write any cell value, formula, format, chart, pivot table, and more with XLSReadWriteII. You can also work with large files efficiently, as XLSReadWriteII uses its own memory manager and supports direct read and write modes.
XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 is compatible with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and supports both XLS and XLSX file formats. It is also stable and reliable, as it is built directly from the file format specifications and does not corrupt or alter any data in the file.
XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 for DXE10.2 Tokyo
DOWNLOAD: https://cinurl.com/2tGVZw
With XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20, you can easily create powerful applications that can manipulate Excel files in Delphi. You can download a trial version from here and see for yourself how XLSReadWriteII can simplify your development process.
XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 also offers many features that make it easy to work with Excel files in Delphi. You can import any database table into the component, or export the data to HTML files. You can also create dynamic web pages from Excel files on a server using the included sample project.
Another feature of XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 is the ability to read and write pictures and charts in Excel files. You can add images to your worksheets, or create charts from your data. You can also access and modify the existing pictures and charts in the file.
Furthermore, XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 supports advanced Excel features such as cell notes, hyperlinks, named areas, and cell validations. You can add comments to your cells, or link them to other files or websites. You can also define names for ranges of cells, or create rules for validating the input data.
To demonstrate how to use XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 in Delphi, we will show some examples of common tasks. The first example is how to create a new Excel file and write some data and formulas to it. The code is as follows:
XLS: TXLSReadWriteII5;
// Create a new instance of the component
XLS := TXLSReadWriteII5.Create(nil);
// Add a new worksheet
// Write some data to the cells
XLS[0].AsString[0, 0] := 'Name';
XLS[0].AsString[0, 1] := 'Age';
XLS[0].AsString[0, 2] := 'Salary';
XLS[0].AsString[1, 0] := 'Alice';
XLS[0].AsFloat[1, 1] := 25;
XLS[0].AsFloat[1, 2] := 3000;
XLS[0].AsString[2, 0] := 'Bob';
XLS[0].AsFloat[2, 1] := 30;
XLS[0].AsFloat[2, 2] := 4000;
// Write a formula to calculate the average salary
XLS[0].AsFormulaR1C1[3, 2] := 'AVERAGE(R[-2]C:R[-1]C)';
// Save the file as XLSX format
XLS.SaveAs('test.xlsx', xlOpenXMLWorkbook);
// Free the component
The second example is how to read an existing Excel file and display its contents in a grid component. The code is as follows:
XLS: TXLSReadWriteII5;
i, j: Integer;
// Create a new instance of the component
XLS := TXLSReadWriteII5.Create(nil);
// Load an existing file
XLS.Filename := 'test.xlsx';
// Set the grid size to match the worksheet size
StringGrid1.ColCount := XLS[0].LastCol + 1;
StringGrid1.RowCount := XLS[0].LastRow + 1;
// Loop through the cells and copy their values to the grid
for i := 0 to XLS[0].LastCol do begin
for j := 0 to XLS[0].LastRow do begin
StringGrid1.Cells[i, j] := XLS[0].AsString[i, j];
// Free the component
These are just some simple examples of what you can do with XLSReadWriteII 6.00.20 in Delphi. You can find more examples and documentation on the official website: https://axolot.com/xls.htm. 0efd9a6b88