Virtual Disk Development Kit 6.0 ((NEW)) Download
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The Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) is a collection of C libraries, code samples, utilities, and documentation to help you create and access VMware virtual disk storage. The kit includes sets of C function calls to manipulate virtual disk files, C++ code samples that you can build with either Visual Studio or the GNU C compiler, and documentation about VDDK and vSphere libraries.
A problem that causes a restore job to take a long timewhile restoring the system file, "Thumbs.db". This file isautomatically generated when viewing pictures, so there isno need to back up or restore it. Therefore, after youapply this fix, the file is no longer available to restore.(Test Fix T2D2892)A problem that causes a failure when generating a catalogon virtual machines that have the "Microsoft ApplicationVirtualization client" installed and the applicationcreated a virtual disk. (Test Fix T2D2894)A problem that prevents CA ARCserve D2D backup fromgenerating a catalog index randomly. (Test Fix T2D2896)A problem when upgrading from CA ARCserve D2D r15 to CAARCserve D2D r16 that causes a backup job to crash.AFBackend.exe.xx.dmp is generated. (Test Fix T5E5150)A problem that fails to differentiate the backupdestination and copy recovery points destination undercertain circumstances. For example, if both destinationsare on a USB disk. (Test Fix T5E5151)A problem that causes the copy recovery point speed to dropdrastically at the end of the process and takes anexcessive amount of time to complete. (Test Fix T5E5152)A problem that causes CA ARCserve D2D or CA ARCserveCentral Host-Based VM Backup backup jobs to crash if thebackup destination is on certain NAS devices. (Test FixT5E5153)A problem that causes Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) to failbecause of an unknown partition restore failure. With thisfix, the unknown partition is skipped and BMR continues torestore other partitions. (Test Fix T5E5155)Note: Depending on the type of the skipped unknownpartition, a possibility exists that the server restoredwill function improperly.
The recorder includes Microsoft Windows based Pentek's SystemFlow software that features a GUI (graphical user interface), Signal Viewer and API (Application Programming Interface). The GUI provides intuitive controls for out-of-the-box turn-key operation using point-and-click configuration management. Configurations are easily stored and recalled for single-click setup. The Signal Viewer provides a virtual oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer to monitor signals before, during and after data collection. The C-callable API allows users to integrate the recorder control as a front end to larger application systems. It includes as many as 32 hot-swappable SSDs to provide flexible storage capacities up to 122 TB to the NTFS RAID disk array.
Just one more thing: Virtzilla's also updated the VMware tools package that helps vAdmins to get lots of chores done improves guest performance. VMware tools and vSphere used to move in lock-step, but the development cycles have now been uncoupled.Which could mean more updates, more often. vAdmins wrangling Linux virtual machines also have some good news because the Open VMTools, the open version of VMware tools, are now baked into the following distros:
To install MPLAB Data Visualizer as a plugin, either use the plugin manager within MPLAB X v6.00+ or download this package and add an update center pointing to the updates.xml file inside the zip file.MPLAB Data Visualizer has the following features:- Capture data streamed from a running embedded target via serial port (CDC) or the Data Gateway Interface (DGI)- Concurrently stream data and debug target code using the MPLAB®X IDE- Decode data fields at runtime using the Data Stream Protocol format- Automatically load Data Stream and Dashboard configuration for the data stream- Visualize the raw or decoded data in a Graph as a time series or display the data in a terminal- Analyze plotted data using cursors to measure bandwidth, pulse width and more- Save a snapshot of plotted data as CSV or JSON- Visualize and analyze power consumption on supported platforms- Monitor data for or input data to an application using a custom dashboardMPLAB Data Visualizer comes as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in to MPLAB X.System requirementsThe MPLAB Data Visualizer plug-in must be installed in MPLAB X version 5.50 or later for correct operation.Hardware tool supportMPLAB Data Visualizer supports targets that stream data over a (virtual) COM port, as well as tools implementing the Data Gateway Interface (DGI) USB interface.When using a COM port, any target or board can be supported, also user-specific boards. The DGI interface is supported by the Microchip Curiosity Nano and Xplained Pro platforms, as well as the Microchip Power Debugger and Atmel-ICE.In order to ensure the best possible user experience, make sure that kits or tools used with the MPLAB Data Visualizer are updated to the most recent firmware version.DocumentationDocumentation is shipped with the product and can be opened from the Data Visualizer User Interface once started.What's New v1.3.1136:- Fix: Unable to drag widgets onto dashboard (macOS only)- Fix: Crash when multiple plugins are installed (all platforms)v1.3.1129:- Support for MPLAB ICE 4®- Support for PC sampling while debugging on selected platformsv1.3.1113:- Create a user interface for your application using custom dashboards- Support for Data Stream Protocol auto configurationv1.2.956:- Visualize power consumption on supported platforms- Inspect maximum, minimum and average power consumption over time- Open visualizer workspace files directly from the MPLAB environment (MPLAB X 5.50 required)A compatibility update, v1.02, was also made for the Machine Learning Plugin. v1.02 is required for uploading data directly to machine learning partners after this update.v1.2:- Save a snapshot of plotted signals to disk as CSV or JSON values- Plot two-dimensional data sets in the new XY Graph panel- Connect to Machine Learning partners using the separately installable Machine Learning pluginv1.1:- Quick actions for plotting data or viewing data in the terminal- Choose whether to plot Variable Streamer fields on same or separate axes- Simplified data stream protocol configuration - Fewer steps means its easier to start visualizing multiple variables- Graph enhancements - Plot several signals on the same axis for easy alignment and zoom - Organize axes on different rows, resize, and position - Inspect values of data points - Use cursors to measure signal width, frequency, and duty cycle- Notable fixed issues - Under heavy system load data timestamps could drift so that data plots appeared delayed compared to actual events (DV-1280). - Deleting a field/variable in the plot wizard before a name was assigned could crash the application (DV-1265). - When streaming data on serial port, data could be timestamped so that parts of plots looked stretched or compressed (DV-1186)v1.0.681:- Compatibility fix for MPLAB X IDE v5.40- Symptoms: No kits show up in connections view and an exception is thrown at startup or on kit connection event.Customer supportMicrochip provides online support via our web site at Special ConsiderationsTo get the expected result when streaming data, it is important to configure the target system properly. Study the user guide of the target development board or tool carefully as it can contain important information.When streaming timestamped data over DGI from an Xplained Pro or Curiosity Nano kit, too high data rates can lead to buffer overflows and reduced stability of operation. This also applies to Debug GPIO and Power Data. The Data Visualizer UI will display a warning when the kit or tool indicates a buffer overflow condition. The sample rate at which buffer overflows are likely to occur dependens on the PC and the system load. For GPIO it could be down to a few kHz sample rate at system load. For other interfaces it is typically higher.The standalone MPLAB Data Visualizer may interrupt an active debug session on a development kit on start up. If a debug session is in progress in MPLAB X on a DGI-enabled kit when MPLAB Data Visualizer standalone is started, the debug session may be interrupted and the kit might not show up as a connection in the standalone version. The workaround is to close MPLAB X and unplug and plug in the kit. For simultaneous debugging and data visualization, please use the MPLAB X plugin version of MPLAB Data Visualizer (Window menu > Debugging > Data Visualizer).On macOS Catalina and above, access to protected folders such as Desktop, Documents, and Downloads can be blocked. Follow these steps to enable access:1. Open System Preferences2. Open Security & Privacy3. Open the Privacy tab4. Select the Full Disk Access category from the list on the left5. Click the lock button to unlock it6. Click the + button7. Hit cmd + shift + g to open the Go To Path dialog8. Type in /bin/sh9. Click Open10. Click the lock button to commit the changes11. Restart MPLAB X IDEKnown IssuesSSR Description EnvironmentDV-806 Plotted data can look distorted at certain zoom levels. This happens because the Visualizer reduces the resolution of old data as internal buffers fill up, in order to save memory. Workaround: Pause data streaming while investigating data. All platformsDV-835 Cannot connect to ttyACM0 for streaming data. Workaround: add your user to the dialout group and log out, then log back in. LinuxDV-1085 A kit's DGI sources won't be listed if the kit is already connected in another process. Workaround: Close the other application and restart MPLAB X or MPLAB Data Visualizer. macOS, WindowsDV-1089 When renaming a variable streamer field and the field is plotted, the plot source is disconnected. Reconnect the plot source by selecting the new name in the plot options. All platformsDV-1176 Interface configuration is not applied after DGI overflow. To ensure correct operation after overflow, reconnect DGI. All platformsDV-1335 In the plugin, when the Data Visualizer tab is maximized it will cover floating windows. A workaround is to dock the floating window. Win 10MPLAB X 5.40DV-1652 The calculated average values and the total charge and energy values displayed in the power analysis panel in the graph are based on data points displayed, and can vary slightly depending on the zoom level. Zooming in will give better accuracy as more data points are used for the calculations. All platformsDV-1670 On a loaded system, streaming on DGI can fail when the PC cannot read data from the debugger fast enough. This can apply to all interfaces including Power and GPIO. See the Special Consideration section for more info. All platformsDV-1671 The calibrate button on the DGI power interface panel can be clicked while calibration is in progress. Clicking it will not have any effect. The calibration will run to completion before a message is displayed. All platformsDV-1673 Clicking the Plot All Sources button on a DGI power source in the connections panel will add plots to axes based on unit, instead of to the selected data axis. If other arrangements are desired, add the power sources as plots manually. All platformsDV-1683 If a popup dialog overflows the Data Visualizer window, a scroll bar is displayed. Clicking the scroll bar will close the dialog. Use the mouse wheel or tab through the controls in order to scroll the dialog. All platformsDV-1711 On Linux, ending an MPLAB debug session can end a concurrent streaming session on the same tool. LinuxDV-1864 Transparency and z-order settings are ignored when importing elements from an existing Atmel Data Visualizer dashboard. The rendering order used will be the order of the elements as specified in the imported .db file. 2b1af7f3a8