Tomtom 7.910 Per Wince 6.0 E Autoradio 13 [NEW]
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How to install Tomtom 7.910 on your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio
If you have a WinCE 6.0 Autoradio and you want to use Tomtom 7.910 as your navigation software, you might be wondering how to install it on your device. In this article, we will show you the steps to do it easily and quickly.
Tomtom 7.910 is a version of Tomtom Navigator that works on Windows CE 6.0 devices, such as some Autoradio models from China. It has many features and advantages, such as:
It supports the latest maps and speed cameras from Tomtom.
It has a user-friendly interface and voice guidance.
It can run in the background while you listen to music or watch videos on your Autoradio.
To install Tomtom 7.910 on your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio, you will need the following:
A micro SD card with at least 2 GB of free space.
A computer with a card reader and an internet connection.
The Tomtom 7.910 software package for WinCE 6.0, which you can download from here:
A map and a speed camera file for your region, which you can download from here:
Once you have everything ready, follow these steps to install Tomtom 7.910 on your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio:
Insert the micro SD card into your computer and format it as FAT32.
Unzip the Tomtom 7.910 software package and copy all the files and folders to the root of the micro SD card.
Unzip the map and speed camera files and copy them to the map folder on the micro SD card.
Eject the micro SD card from your computer and insert it into your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio.
Turn on your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio and go to the settings menu.
Select the navigation option and browse to the micro SD card.
Select the Tomtom Navigator.exe file and confirm.
Wait for Tomtom 7.910 to launch and activate it with your device code and product code.
Enjoy using Tomtom 7.910 on your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio!
We hope this article was helpful for you. If you have any questions or problems, please leave a comment below or contact us at
In this section, we will show you how to customize Tomtom 7.910 with skins and voices. Skins are graphical themes that change the appearance of Tomtom 7.910, while voices are audio files that change the voice guidance of Tomtom 7.910.
To customize Tomtom 7.910 with skins and voices, you will need the following:
A micro SD card with Tomtom 7.910 installed on it.
A computer with a card reader and an internet connection.
The skin and voice files that you want to use, which you can download from here: and here:
Once you have everything ready, follow these steps to customize Tomtom 7.910 with skins and voices:
Insert the micro SD card into your computer and open it.
Unzip the skin file and copy the folder to the art folder on the micro SD card.
Unzip the voice file and copy the folder to the voices folder on the micro SD card.
Eject the micro SD card from your computer and insert it into your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio.
Turn on your WinCE 6.0 Autoradio and launch Tomtom 7.910.
Go to the settings menu and select the change preferences option.
Select the switch map option and choose the skin that you want to use.
Select the change voice option and choose the voice that you want to use.
Enjoy using Tomtom 7.910 with your customized skin and voice!
We hope this section was helpful for you. If you have any questions or problems, please leave a comment below or contact us at 061ffe29dd