Plant Pathology Agrios Ebook Free Download ((NEW))
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This book is a reference for students, instructors and professionals in the field of phytopathology, phytopathology, microbiology, plant pathology, plant pathology, plant virology, plant pathology, and plant pathology research, and is recommended for library science collections.
With more than three hundred photographs, the new edition has been enriched with the photographs of the new developments and discoveries in the field of bacterial and fungal pathogens of plants. This book should be useful to the students, plant pathologists, scientists, and professionals in all areas of plant pathology and plant pathology research. This book is also a valuable reference for any practitioner involved in plant pathology and in plant pathology-related fields.
The contents of the book are arranged in five divisions: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Phytopathogenic Bacteria and Pseudomonas. The first section includes a comprehensive coverage of plant-pathogenic bacteria including their isolation, identification, taxonomy, molecular and genetic methods of pathogenicity determination, epidemiology and diagnosis, pathogenicity of bacterial plant pathogens, and mechanisms of plant defense against bacterial pathogens. The second section covers the class of fungi, including the genus and species of the pathogens, modes of pathogenesis, their distribution and diseases, diagnosis, and disease control. The third section covers plant viral pathogens, which represent the largest group of viruses responsible for plant diseases. The last section covers phytopathogenic bacteria, including their isolation, identification, taxonomy, molecular and genetic methods of pathogenicity determination, epidemiology and diagnosis, pathogenicity of bacterial plant pathogens, and mechanisms of plant defense against bacterial pathogens. A complete chapter on Pseudomonas is also included in the last section of this book. An annotated bibliography is also provided as an appendix.
This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and control of plant diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and nematodes. It discusses various techniques based on their morphological, biochemical/physiological, immunological and nucleic acid characteristics for detection, identification and quantification of these pathogens in infected plants, planting materials, environment and in diagnostic centers and labs, it also discusses the role played by the disease diagnostic centers, quarantine and certification programs in providing advice to the growers, prevention of introduction of new diseases and establishment of disease-free nuclear stocks.
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