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Battlefield Hardline includes both a solo campaign and a multiplayer mode. Players are able to play the game in a storyline mode that is not linear. The storyline mode features missions located in two cities; D.C. and San Francisco. Players are also able to play the game in an Online Mode, where players are able to play in a PVP environment against other players online. In addition, there is a Training Mode that allows players to practice their ability to play multiplayer mode and practice in a safe environment. Other modes which are included in the game are Instant Action, which allows players to choose a stage and play a battle mode, Rush, which allows players to play a 1 vs. 1 play to win game where players must use skill to improve their score or win, and Capture the Flag which is an additional addition to the Battlefield Pack games. The battle between the United States and the Cowl are set to take place in the capital of San Francisco. Hardline has also been announced for a release in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. It was released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows on September 20, 2014.
Battlefield 4 players were promised that the campaign would provide a fresh way for players to attack the enemy lines, and it seems that the developers have done exactly that. Campaign gameplay is a bit tedious at times, but Battlefield 4 offered players a way to finally participate in the war as a part of an Allied or Axis force. Bombers can bomb enemy positions from the air, with helicopters now being available to execute the same task. The new Desolator can run up to 4 people per bike, and can provide additional infantry cover, and the Valkyrie can also run two people per vehicle. EA has updated their website with a lot of information about Operation Chimera, as well as the various Community Goals. There is also a new Powerweapons article showing off the various Powerweapons the game has to offer. d2c66b5586