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The opening track is 'I Cant Get The Baby Out Of My Head', a pretty sombre piece of drama-rock with a short blur of fuzz guitar, floating cymbals and jazz phrasing. Later on the song settles into a familiar R&B-style groove with cascading snares and a Moody Boy Simmons-style bass riff. 'Poor Little Albert', about a man who gets so wasted one night that he shoots his wife and her lover and then kills himself, works more successfully than most of the rest of the album, with a vision of a crying guitar lament over a mordant, mariachi-style beat played on a makeshift gypsophone. Difficult Pop then situates the listener somewhere in Judas Priest's sordid rocking epic with a high-pitched opera vocal, a bit like a dysfunctional, helium-voiced Ramones. 'Asleep At The Wheel' is a rush of homespun rock & roll, made up of short snippets of vocalising and groaning for the best part of a minute, and then by the time it finishes 'Tease Me' time isn't over yet. Noodle's sax breaks through the bass drum with a proffered electronic arrangement, mixed with a whoosh of flute samples (I bet this has something to do with The Three Johns' involvement with The Sunbeams) and a hint of today's frenetic, rave DNA. The atmosphere is a tad too bleary for slam-billed anonymity, but there's genuine drama and an enormous energy, making it some of the most exciting music this year. 'Tear It Off' is hypnotically pulsating, complete with John Wicks' twinkling guitar lines, a bent-note bass-drum riff, and a bass-drum that sounds almost like a real-life Luo drum. 'The Fastest Grasshopper In Brooklyn' sounds positively magical, a wah-wah pedalled guitar and jangly electric steel-strung guitar riding over the drums, while a hypnotised vocal recalls the full-spectrum jazz rock of Weather Report or Keith Emerson's organ. 'You Should Have Been Here For the Olympics' ends on a slightly funky chord, and then a bizarre, mutated bit of screech concludes it. It'satugly sort of song, with distorted voices and wobbly-headed vocals trying to add something worthwhile to a battering beat. d2c66b5586