Ladik's MPQ Editor ((FREE)) Full Version
MPQ Editor and table editor, also with the MPQ editor you'll need the 1.13C (assuming that is the version you are running) listfile - this means the MPQ editor can understand each file in the patch MPQ. All of this can be downloaded from Phrozen Keep.
1st two bytes: string version of the MPQ version. I use 1 in my patch (generated from MPQVersion). Two more bytes indicate the MPQ version, which appear to be the MPQ editor version, if I remember correctly.
In this example, we intend to read all the data from the specific external data file. We only have to select the specific folder containing the archive in the Map properties dialog and the viewer object will be modified. This also applies to the default option.
The Popup positions: some of them are not bound to specific Feature objects. Sometimes it is necessary to locate the Feature on the map in order to know what position to assign the popup. This command will display a grid of Feature objects around the Event Target. The Event Target is the Feature object that the mouse was over when the popup was displayed. (This Feature object can be set manually, e.g., by the user, with the 'Set hover Event Target' command.) d2c66b5586