Homework Homework 1.1 Mongodb PORTABLE
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Before you get started with this exercise please make sure that the computer you are going to use has the following hardware requirements: Minimum system requirements . Performance requirements
You are going to install a distribution of Python on your computer in order to be able to work with importing the modules you need to call the functions that arcpy makes available through the Python API. You get these modules via your distribution via Python's standard library module, or more often alternatively through one of the Python distribution mechanisms, such as pip. You are going to use an existing distribution of Python that includes a Python geoprocessing extension. This will be a specific installation of Python that works together with a specific collection of modules and this is why we will not talk about Python in this exercises.
Load the arcpy module with your installation of Python of choice. Install the arcpy module within your Python environment, in the directory you find it. For this exercise find arcpy and install it into your Python environment. d2c66b5586