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While Radahn can be defeated by normal means however, I believe the fight to be the latest in a series of ridiculous FromSoftware boss fights that run much more smoothly using their unique mechanics rather than take on the challenge just like any other fight. Take a look back, for example, to Dark Souls III's fight with Elden Ring Runes Yhorm The Giant. Sure, you could chip away at his enormous health bar with your puny weapons all you want, however, the designers wanted players to use a specific sword from the arena to smash his looming cranium using wind-powered magic instead. It makes what can be extremely difficult fight an easy task and is appropriate in terms of thematics.
Radahn's fight in Elden Ring is also all about making use of the resources readily available to you. Remember how I said several warriors gathered around Redmane Castle for the festival? Well, that means you can summon not one, but not two but six NPCs to help you take down Radahn. Although I'm not saying they will make the fight as simple as cutting Yhorm to pieces using Storm Ruler, however having Radahn's enormous attacks focused on someone else while you perform hit-and run-style strafing attacks against your horse much better than having him on your back all the time. Plus, when your allies die--and believe me, they'll be dead a lot--you can just re-summon the dead repeatedly. It is the rule.
Yes, you are able to summon Patches to join the Radahn fight too, but don't expect him to stick around.
In any event there is a real fireworks show when Radahn loses. As Sellen stated, his death will ensure that the stars will be able to move again. They must be itching to get their legs stretched nevertheless, since they start streaking through the heavens en masse that fill the sky with brilliant light as they return the regular cycle. As soon as a comet is swept towards the earth and crashes somewhere over the horizon, leading to a huge gap in Mistwood an early-game area. It's a constant geophysical feature for the duration of your gameplay and gives you to access a new region known as Nokron which is the Eternal City. Although the process of defeating Souls bosses often alters the environment around you, I can't recall anything like this happening in previous Elden Ring Runes buy games.