I clarify the distribution of civil and criminal jurisdiction to certain classes of persons, without relief for third parties, by ignoring the ordinary rules of forum non conveniens. That would be to allow a defendant to shift from one forum to another, at his free discretion, without a court ever declaring that the plaintiff's chosen forum was an inappropriate one. The relief of forum non conveniens is a matter that properly lies not with the defendant, but with the plaintiff; he alone, not the defendant, must choose the jurisdiction in which the cause is to be tried. Clearly, the defendant can neither be made to sue in a jurisdiction inappropriate to the claim, nor can a defendant be obliged to make his suit in a jurisdiction to which it is not subject-matter. He can choose a forum, but he cannot choose a jurisdiction.
The judge's formulary of forum non conveniens reflects the concern of the law for the preservation of the phi_pus. The phi*-is the quality of patient co-operation which we see exemplified in the readiness of children to help and teach those who seek their help. It is the phi*-is the helpfulness of responding co-operatively to those who appear to need help. It is the phi*-is the willingness and readiness to abandon selfish interests, or to delay satisfaction of existing ones, if contingent self-interest dictates. It is the phi*-is which binds families, neighbors and friends and governs the dealings of employers and employees. It is the phi*-is which makes, in a word, a society.
This principle of helping others was upheld in a Full Bench decision of the Supreme Court in 1995 in the matter of a Madrasa and its management board of trustees. It was noted that the subject-matter-jurisdiction of the High Court relating to the management of Madrasas was territories ruled out in the Administration of Muslim Personal Law and since 1995, a number of controversies had arisen in respect of some Madrasas, in particularly in Madurai and Madurai, where cases had been registered in the Madurai High Court by Muslim religious organisations seeking to widen the definition of Madrasa in Madurai. The Madrasa in Madurai was situated in a territory ruled out in the Administration of Muslim Personal Law, and the Madrasa sought to expand its activities and by-laws beyond the limits of Vellore and Puducherry. d2c66b5586