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Garcia's first mistake, Pham wrote in his description of how the fourth message was cracked, was that he assumed that the email contained a valid signature. But it wasn't signed; it was encoded. He further assumed that the email was encrypted. But it wasn't, either.
Garcia further left out the password crack phase of the project. To crack the encrypted email message, Torres, et. al, had to break the password and then decrypt the email, three days before Valentine's Day, 2018.
Lengthy encryption methods are commonly used to provide a level of security that makes it more difficult for attackers to break in and get all the information they want. But before today, options for cracking cryptograms remained limited. Only humans can break these codes.
Unlike traditional encryption, which relies on relatively small groups of letters to code information, modern cryptography is based on the concept of what's called a one-time pad, or, in Latin, a quistion a question a certain number of secret letters that can be used to encrypt an entire message. Cryptography, in general, ensures that the sender and receiver can read a message without having to resort to any little tricks. They simply type in the message and their corresponding password to create the cipher text. But if even one link in the chain is compromised, the entire chain falls apart. d2c66b5586