Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
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Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is a simulation video game developed by Polish studio Red Dot Games depicting the work of an automotive mechanic. It was released on July 28, 2017, for Microsoft Windows; in 2019 on February 15 for Nintendo Switch and June 25 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.[1] A simplified version for mobile platforms was released in June 2018. The game is the third in the Car Mechanic Simulator series, following Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 and Car Mechanic Simulator 2015, the game is the predecessor of Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, which was released on August 11, 2021.
A variety of downloadable content is available for Car Mechanic Simulator 2018, the majority of which expands the range of cars available. Unlike the cars in the base game, which are fictional analogues for real cars, DLC cars are officially licensed replicas. These cars are integrated into the existing game, marked with a \"DLC\" banner in their description.
View the embedded image gallery online at: -games/636-car-mechanic-simulator-2018Itemid=638#sigProId1b84a5b2a6
View the embedded image gallery online at: -games/636-car-mechanic-simulator-2018Itemid=638#sigProId8122a6434c
View the embedded image gallery online at: -games/636-car-mechanic-simulator-2018Itemid=638#sigProId9a3d216295
Take on the role of the car mechanic and repair cars for your clients. Spend the earned money on expanding your workshop and improving your skills. Buy worn out cars, renovate them and sell with profit or become a famous car collector. If you manage your business well, you will surely succeed in the market.
Unlike in the previous edition, jobs are generated randomly, and the player will need to choose on which car he will work. It seems like there is a group of customers waiting in front of the workshop for the mechanic...
Consider this piece to be 'what I somewhat think', or perhaps a demi-review, if you don't go in for our larky terminology. I've spent a day and a half so far with Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 [official site] and, though I really do dig the core experience, enough's enough. It's a hot mess (as the developers themselves admit) - enough of a hot mess that I beseech you to steer clear of for the time being. But at the same time, you should absolutely keep a close eye on this singularly captivating and cathartic game, and return once it's been made road-worthy. That's true whether you have any interest in or knowledge of cars yourself (I know I don't).
I couldn't have been more wrong: CMS is, like American Truck Sim, all about a state of zen calm. Slow, methodical progress towards a destination, the gradual identification of worn-out parts and replacement thereof with shiny new ones. A jigsaw of components, taken apart and put back together, a picture of mechanical near-perfection taking shape before your eyes. And there's something that ATS doesn't quite conjure; the real satisfaction of a job well done at the end of it. What was broken is now mended, all thanks to me. I imagine the unseen customers' gratitude and awe as I return their restored vehicle to them, which means more than the clump of money I can only spend on car parts anyway. God is a mechanic, surely.
Most of all, there's a real sense of journey to fixing a car, both in the time and observation required to do so, and, for a mechanical ignoramus such as I, a sense of ambient learning as I do so. Oh, so that's what makes that rattle, that's what brakes are made of, the foot bone's connected to the leg bone, and so forth. I could look under the hood of my 11-year-old hatchback now and, for the first time, have some basic sense of what's what, where formerly all I knew was the dipstick and where the wiper fluid goes.
It's all such an appealing prospect but, as I've discovered to my cost already, the escapist fantasy of Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is lost when the game's problems see your efforts squandered. When it becomes a matter of grimly repeating all that you've done before to claw back progress rather than rolling up your sleeves to tackle a new challenge.
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is a simulator that allows you to become a mechanic in your very own garage. The game allows you to work on different kinds of cars that you can buy and sell to earn money and expand your garage. Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is a resourceful tool that allows you to learn about being a car mechanic and different aspects of what the inside of a vehicle can look like. You can build and customize your own vehicle after you have established yourself as a proven mechanic with the ability to tune your car however you want too. There are over 40 different cars to choose from while being able to use machines and tools that you would in a real garage. You can take the cars that you build and race them on tracks to have fun and improve on your vehicle back in your garage. The game is widely known and has a lot of positive reviews.
Check the Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 system requirements. Can I Run it Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 8,500 games a month.
CMS 2018 has good graphics but unplayable on Mid-range PC.The game give me less than 10FPS - 1080p max settings (there is no \"Advanced Graphics Settings\" to turn off unnecessary option) on GTX 960. That is why I can't reach the \"game content\".
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is a video game that was launched on 28th July 2017 and is run on Unity, originally available on Microsoft Windows, but has since been expanded to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, macOS and Macintosh operating systems.
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 has two different save methods: cloud save and local saves. Local saves are game saves that are stored locally on your computer (on your hard drive). They're quite easy to access in case you wish to create a backup, restore an old save, share with friends or use them for some other purpose. See help to locate them that's specific to your operating system below.
Od data vydání Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 (dále jen CMS2018) uběhlo již pár měsíců a tato recenze tak neaspiruje na nejaktuálnější text všech dob, ale má to samozřejmě své důvody. Ty pramení z naprosto otřesné verze, s jakou se setkali všichni hráči ihned po vydání hry. Kdybych měl dělat jakékoliv rozsudky v prvním měsíci života nejnovějšího dílu opraváře aut, s přimhouřením obou od oleje zamazaných očí bych s obrovským zklamáním sáhl po nějaké čtyřce, ne-li hůř. A proč jsem tak neučinil Protože se tvůrci vzchopili způsobem, jaký ve videoherním světě moc často nevidíme.
Mrzelo mě to, protože minulý díl jsem si užil na plné čáře a pokračování u mě patřilo k nejočekávanějším hrám roku. Okamžitě jsem se začal obávat o budoucnost série, ale záhy jsem byl uklidněn aktivním přístupem vývojářů z Red Dot Games. V prvním týdnu se objevovaly dvě záplaty denně a prakticky celý první měsíc se z CMS2018 stávala každým dalším dnem lepší hra.
Proto jsem se rozhodl počkat s recenzí do doby, kdy zážitek nebude jedno velké zklamání. Nechtěl jsem, aby zde už navěky visela čtyřka u hry, která si po dvou měsících možná zaslouží dvojnásobek. A rozhodl jsem se správně. Desítky záplat a hotfixů vychytaly prakticky všechny problémy uspěchaného startu, který připomínal klasický předběžný přístup. Tím bych považoval to nejhorší z CMS2018 za uzavřené. Vrhněme se konečně na ta pozitiva.
Přibyl také držák motoru, který můžete osadit blokem motoru a celý motor složit elegantně na něm, čímž odpadá nepohodlí montáže v nitru vozu s nutností neustálého zvedání a sundávání auta na zvedáku. Všechny tyto novinky sice prodlužují jednotlivé zakázky, ale zároveň přispívají k realističnosti, což je v případě CMS2018 jednoznačné plus.
A tím novinky nekončí. Zatímco CMS2015 se spousty obsahu dočkala formou DLC, CMS2018 tento a další obsah poskytuje již v základu. Jedná se o terénní vozidla, široký výběr hudebních stanic v rádiu, více odmontovatelných dílů v interiéru, stodolní nálezy a šrotiště, kde můžete nalézt nejen díly, ale koupit si i celé vraky, renovovat je a prodat v aukční síni, vystavit na svém parkovišti nebo provětrat na okruhu. 59ce067264