For best conversions, make sure your offer is related to the market you are in. 2. Landing Page. This is the webpage which you will use to fax number list entice your prospects to join your business email list. Landing pages should not be long. They should include a big heading, a few bullet points of the main benefits joining your list would offer, a strong fax number list call to action (e.g. sign up now and you'll get our 46-page report absolutely free!) and the opt-in form. 3. Autoresponder Series. Capture your opt-ins into an email autoresponder. Autoresponders can fax number list be set up to automatically send emails out to your subscribers at any interval you choose.
You can send out messages on a daily, weekly, monthly, or random basis as you please. This will save you a lot of time and will bring in much fax number list more business. Imagine you are a car service center. Instead of mailing or calling your clients every six months to remind fax number list them to bring their car in for a service, this can automatically be done using your autoresponder. Want to take it to the next level? Send them out handy hints on a monthly basis. This will help to build a relationship of trust and respect, so when the service reminder fax number list arrives, they will be more willing to act on it.
Although you have to have an email list to start emailing to, there are email autoresponder programs that offer you tools to rapidly and fax number list effectively build a targeted email list. Here are three things to look for when choosing an email autoresponder program: Multiple Lists Even if you are only selling one product it's important to have access to different lists. One list may fax number list be targeted to prospective customers. Another list may be specifically for customers who have purchased from you. You may have a list for current customers fax number list that allows them to provide feedback on your products or salespeople.